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Culture Night

Dance Limerick Performance Space - Dance Limerick Performance Space (St. John's church), John's Square, Limerick

Sale Ends

00 hours 00 minutes 00 seconds

Event Starts

Sep 20, 2024, 06:00 PM

Event Ends

Sep 20, 2024, 11:00 PM


Dance Limerick open for Culture Night one more year!
The night of the 20th of September will be a celebratory dance event - an opportunity for synergy among creative spirits, community and connection.

6-7 pm Watch & Experience

Join us in a relaxed performance space to watch new dance work created with the Limerick community. 

7-8.30 pm Take part

Local dance artists will share a range of dance styles from Contemporary to Indian classical dance, hip hop and more.

9-11 pm Late night with Top8

The night will end with a Street Dance and Hip Hop Culture event by Top8, which aims to showcase the rich and underground culture of neo-Irish-Afrolism.All events are free. Booking is recommended through Dance Limerick.