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Tearmann Aiteach / Queer Sanctuary

Dance Limerick Performance Space - Dance Limerick Performance Space (St. John's church), John's Square, Limerick

Online Sale Ended


Tearmann Aiteach / Queer Sanctuary dances a welcoming space that supports flourishing, solidarity and spritely sparkle. It has grown out of Fearghus Ó Conchúir and Isabella Oberländer’s separate practices as artists of different genders, generations and nationalities. Their dancing together celebrates what’s possible between their queer bodies and others.

You’re invited to watch, and if you fancy, to dive in. Dress up or not. Sparkle.

Isabella Oberländer
is a dance artist who has aligned her performance practice with a wide range of queer and feminist art-making in Ireland. Fearghus Ó Conchúir is a dance artist whose work has investigated the politics of gay experience in Ireland. They have been developing this work together for the past two years.

Please note
: Contains loud noise, smoke machines, strobe lighting and nudity.