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Light Moves. Loop’n’Groove: Micro Choreographies of the past

by Barbara Ellison

Dance Limerick Performance Space - Dance Limerick Performance Space (St. John's church), John's Square, Limerick

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Digging into a variety of filmed dance performances from past glorious times, composer Barbara Ellison generates impossible dances, mesmerising routines, hypnotic moves, surreal looping music, and much more in her new work Loop’n’Groove.

What if any choreography potentially contains an infinite number of other –very different– unperceived choreographies? By looking and listening at audio-visual recordings of dance not simply as documentation but rather as an open territory for creative recombination, Ellison reveals in this new work a fascinating rabbit hole of surprising and exhilarating ‘media dance’.

Barbara Ellison
is an award-winning artist / composer whose work explores ghostly presence and substance in a plethora of sonic and visual realms. Her creations have been presented internationally in live performances, installations, featured radio shows, and audio releases, including her latest album ‘CyberSongs’ (Unsounds Records) and the 3-hour piece ‘Cyber-Opera’.