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All the Relations by Angie Smalis and Colin Gee

Dance Limerick Performance Space - Dance Limerick Performance Space (St. John's church), John's Square, Limerick

Online Sale Ended


‘All the Relations’ is a work of story-based dance featuring eight dancers, a narrator and live music, about an event in a small town. It focuses on sources of personal conflict to deepen our experience of the many characters involved and explore a new perspective on demographic shifts brought on by climate change, while also exposing the interconnectedness between individuals through a larger sense of family, friends, community, nature, and species. 


Angie Smalis Lead artist/Producer/Choreographer 

Colin Gee Lead artist/Writer/Dramaturge 

Performers Salma Ataya, Mark Carberry, Mia DiChiaro, Philippa Donnellan, Yumi Lee, Ruth Lehane 

Narrator/Actor Pius McGrath 

Composer/Live Music Andy Connolly  

Composer Erin Gee 

Musicians Diane Daly, Aoife Nic Athlaoich 

Costume design Giordana Giache 

Set design Martin Shannon 


This project is funded under the Arts Council’s Arts Grant Funding 2023 and the Limerick City and County Council’s  Strategic Award 2023. It is supported by Dance Limerick, Dance Cork Firkin Crane and the Irish Chamber Orchestra.